I was cooking yesterday. The dogs were bouncing around me in the kitchen. They're just looking to snag the tiniest scrap that falls to them. It was frustrating. We've had so many visitors and the twins shift so much attention away from them. They are behaving disobediently. They're more selfish. They're just looking for a little something for themselves. Sadly for them, the more they try the less they get. I got a glimpse into how God might feel about us. I'm talking the … [Read more...]
I got away with murder.
I got away with murder when I was younger. I didn't have set chores to get an allowance. I didn't have to study to do well in school. I didn't do my homework on time. And often times didn't do it all. I turned assignments in late. I cut school. I was late regularly. I still graduated in the top 10 percent of my class. I wish I could say I wrote my own rules. That would be a lie. It would imply structure that didn't exist. I just didn't follow the existing rules. I'm 40 now. … [Read more...]
What do you NOT have to do?
I was buzzing around the house completing one task after another. My goal? Order. The arrival of the twins was met by an intense need for order. Some could call it OCD. I was working in double time. And I am doing things I don't want to do. I like order. I don't like doing the things that create it. So these are things I have to do. I need the order to have my mind clear to produce. I'd rather watch the Colbert Report. Steve Colbert will take me further from what I need. I get … [Read more...]
What do you HAVE to do?
A friend of mine had a rough week recently. Here was the week in no particular order: Lost parent Made arrangements for funeral Drove 4+ hours to the funeral Went through/packed the parent's things Drove 4+ hours back Co-conducted a 4 day intensive seminar Visited with clients Decorated/furnished new business offices Shut down/moved her old business office That's a hell of week. I'm sure there are details I missed. I had dinner and beer with them last night. At some … [Read more...]
Are you going broke?
I was talking with friend last night. She talked about how it's hard to keep priorities this time of year (Christmas time). She's busy going to 47 Christmas parties, buying gifts, spending time with friends, and somewhere in there ... she works. We talked about weight gain, staying on budget, and sticking to goals. They're all related. Have you gained 5, 10, 15 lbs lately? Check your finances. When your weight goes up, you're probably spending more money. Check your work, too. If … [Read more...]
Are you tipping enough?
Jen and I met our twins two months ago. Our priorities were redefined. Things like showering, blow drying of hair, eating food while hot fell to the bottom of the list. Feeding babies, remembering to eat at all, finding 2-3 hours to sleep shot to the top of the list. The babies are kicking our asses. Feeding two newborns at the same time is one of the most exhausting things I've done in my life. I go from energetic and enthusiastic to exhausted and exasperated in a matter of … [Read more...]
Who are you laughing at?
When you can laugh at yourself, others laugh with you. When you can't, they laugh at you. They can only laugh with you if you're laughing, too. So ... who are you laughing at? Related articles Want to Know What Your Employees Really Think? (inc.com) … [Read more...]
Hard work vs. Work Hard
I looked like I had dengue fever. I was ready to drop. I just finished a 9 hour training event. The new twins were kicking my ass. I slept 2 hours the night before. I worked hard the entire day. I gave 110% of my energy. The training event did not go well. It didn't go poorly. It just wasn't what it could have been. I recovered from exhaustion for the next two days. I fought to stay in bed. I hated it. But if I didn't rest I would have been seriously compromised. With the twins … [Read more...]
Thank, God. I am home.
I walked in the door. I said, "I'm home, Cheech (Chi-chi's one of our dogs)." A rush of emotion swept through me. "Thank God, I'm home." I've struggled with my house being my home since I moved here. It was Jen's house before we met. There's a lot of history in the house. There's a lot of ego involve in my fighting making this house my home. I create meaning that doesn't have to be there that keeps me away. A friend was telling me about the Samurai. They are not allowed to … [Read more...]
Setting the mood
Elli awoke screaming. Again. It was clear she did not know that it was night time. We decided to set the mood. The lights dimmed throughout the house the next day at 7pm. TV off. Laptops closed. Phones away. Faded lights and lullabies. Babies and bottles. The girls fed. We laid them down. They slept. They got it. We crafted the peaceful, nocturnal environment. They went with the mood. So did we. Jen and I had time to connect. The house was more peaceful. I walked … [Read more...]