Labor of Love – What are you building your future on? Pt 1

Southwest Airlines stock symbol is LUV. Where are they headquartered? Next to Love Field. The halls at Southwest Airlines are lined with photos. Pictures of teams, employees, their families, their pets. It’s like an enormous LUV-ing family room. Southwest Airlines is built upon a powerful relationship-based culture.

Is your company built on the power of relationships or the exchange of transactionships?

Relationships are about being understood. Transactionships are about getting something for something. Relationships foster loyalty. Transactionships breed quid pro quo behavior. In relationships, people come to you because they know and trust you. In transactionships, you don’t see someone until they want something from you.

People in relationships ask “How can I help you?” People in transactionships think “How can you help me?”

Which question do you want our people asking?

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