I plugged the cable in. No sound. Nothing. Then I tried another cable. Again. Nothing. Thirty people were sitting around. Waiting. I took someone else's guitar. Plugged it in. It worked. I threw the strap around my neck. And stepped up to the microphone. 3 and half minutes flew by in the blink of an eternity. I got through the song. Barely. I was planning on singing two. I changed my mind. I strummed the last chord. Looked at the MC. And said, "That's good enough. … [Read more...]
Acting a part
Actors spend hours preparing. Learning lines. Committing to the words until they own them. Knowing their blocking (where they stand and when). They prepare for the risk. The big moment. When they step on stage. When they reveal themselves in real time. In front of many, hopefully. Trying to break a leg. Actors seek auditions. They look for opportunities to show their talent. They race rejection, frequently. When they get the part they invest their blood, spirit and soul … [Read more...]
What are you addicted to?
"She's getting so big." A tear welled up in my eye. My girls aren't little babies anymore. They're turning into toddlers. With wills and tempers. They're starting to look like little people. And I'm sad. I'm a mourner. I look back and mourn what's passed. I could look forward and embrace what's coming. I'm learning to do that. But undoing decades of looking back takes longer than I'd like. It's hard to create what I want in the world, in my life and in my family when … [Read more...]
What are you avoiding?
I was reading the article. I wanted to stop. I was afraid. What if they reveal a theory I've been working on but haven't released to the world yet. I was afraid of being disappointed. In myself, for not getting the idea out soon enough. Avoiding the article wouldn't help though. If my idea was the same, I'd know someone else thought of it. I can shift directions with the idea. I can build on to what's already there. That's all the world of knowledge is any way. At some point … [Read more...]
Are you succeeding?
Roombas are robotic vacuum cleaners. The roll around the floor vacuuming your room while you're away. They are successful because they keep moving after they encounter an obstacle. They If they didn't do this, they'd just suck. They are successful because they succeed. Most ladders have many rungs. We succeed from rung to rung to make to the top of the ladder. The word "Succeed" is derived from the latin, succedere: to go up or follow after. I usually think about … [Read more...]
This, I believe.
His wife said, "This is going to be hugely successful." "How do you know?" he asked. "With every other business there's been a hesitation. You'd always ask the question, "what do you think I should do? Now, you have no doubt." Confident = With Faith He believes. In his idea. In his team. In his capability. He's a convert. A true believer. It changes how you see, speak and hear. It changes how you're seen, heard and spoken to. Belief changes everything. True … [Read more...]
Is it about time?
I left the house this morning at 6:30am. 2 hours earlier than usual. I usually help with feeding, changing, playing with the girls. This morning, I had a 7 am meeting. I didn't even get to say good morning to the girls. And Jen had to manage the juggling act of caring and feeding on her own. At 6pm the phone rang. I answered. It didn't sound good. I heard Jen talking. Screaming babies drowned what she was saying. Neither girl would eat. Both were crying. Jen was … [Read more...]
Easy to please. Easier to displease.
My wife, Jen, was exasperated with me. I don't remember what the back and forth was about. There are too many times to choose from. "You're so hard to please!" she said. "No, I'm not. I'm easy to please ... I'm just easier to displease." This is not the best thing to think about myself. I give power to factors out my control. Then I feel a reduced sense of power and control in my life. This leaves me displeased. There are a lot words for this. I'll call it … [Read more...]
Who are you to decide?
"She's not interested," is what I thought to myself. I use my calendar for a to do list. If something doesn't get done, I just drag it to another day. I looked over calls I didn't make yesterday, dragging them to new time slots. I picked this idea up from Peter Bregman. I was setting up my calendar for the day. I didn't want to move this call to another day. I wanted to leave it behind. I made the decision for her. My stomach sank the moment the thought, "She's not … [Read more...]
Ask, Don’t Tell?
My friend's team was filled with some ridiculously smart people. They were smart with technology. They just weren't people smart. He was telling me about the challenges they had working together. I had lunch with another friend a couple of months ago. He told me how he had learned to make people be part of the plan. The people make the plan happen. They might be inconvenient to work with. But nothing happens with out them. The team with the smart people struggle mightily … [Read more...]