I started looking for photos and links for my content more lately. The goal was a more polished product. It was also better Google ranking and more readers. The work doubled the time to write and publish. It became hard to to finish. My main goal here is to write and finish. It's to cultivate a habit of consistent execution. And to live by example. I let something that was outside of my main goal get in the way. I started falling behind. I started finishing less. Know what your … [Read more...]
Wish in one hand and Sh***d in the other?
There's an expression that conveys the powerlessness of wishing. "You've got 'wish' in one hand and 'sh*t' in the other." You can wish all you want. Until you do something you won't produce anything. 'Should' is worth less than wish. 'Should' is like 'wish' dressed up in intention. It doesn't lead to much either. I hear people use should all the time. They use it more often than wish. It's usually in the form of "I should start that project to change the world" or "I should … [Read more...]
How to Keep Cool in the Texas heat
It's getting hot in Texas. The temps are in the high 90s by June. It happens every year. At the same time of year people start complaining about the weather. Here's a question I heard last week: "Can you believe it's so hot!?" Yes. I believe it. It happens every year. It's Texas. It's supposed to be hot. I learned to get used to the Texas heat. I had a theory: Exercise in the peak heat and I'll feel more comfortable when at rest in the heat. I tested it. I started jogging in … [Read more...]
Be the squirrel.
Squirrels gather nuts for the winter. There's no food in winter. The nuts are a solution to a problem. Squirrels gather solutions. They don't grab broken nuts and empty shells and bring them to their squirrel lair. They bring good, hearty nuts that will keep them fed. Most people gather problems. "The website is down." "We can't find the shipment." "The client can't meet on Friday." "The customer won't let us do that." Problems don't feed anyone. Solutions do. What do … [Read more...]
Want something to blow your mind?
I had just finished a conversation with Jim Denison, a brilliant theologian and wonderful man. He told me what was happening at the Brooklyn Tabernacle church in Brooklyn, NY. Ridiculous stuff that comes close to miraculous is going on at BTC. I asked Jim what was behind all of it. He said it's a spiritual renewal led by prayer. So I prayed for spiritual renewal. I left lunch and I prayed for God to create spiritual renewal in me that would blow my mind. I prayed that prayer for a few … [Read more...]
I heard what you can’t do. What can you do?
Marcus* saw me coming. He asked, "Do you help people with resumes?" I said, "Not really. I can - but that's not what I do." The next moment, I was introduced to someone who needed work. I really didn't want to have the conversation. I spoke with my new friend, Stan*, about the work he was looking for. He'd prefer machine shop/metal working. That's where he has 20+ years of experience. When I asked if he was open to other work, he said he was looking for anything. We talked a bit. … [Read more...]
Is your job beneath you?
I had a job as a mail clerk after college. I worked 60 hours and made $17,000 - that included 5 hours of mandatory overtime (we weren't allowed a lunch hour). There were times I would get down on myself. I'd get caught up in what other people thought of me because of my job. I tied my job to my value. I felt the job was beneath me. I'd get stuck and depressed when I lived in that place. I have friends who want and need work. They won't take certain jobs though. They don't want others … [Read more...]
The Cocoon of Can’t
I dwell in the cocoon of can't much more than I'd like. It's an easy place to hide from fear of rejection, failure, or success. I can't get this deal closed. I can't get in touch with customer. I can't find someone to help fix this problem. I can't finish this idea to publish. It's easier to keep writing ... shoot for perfect instead calling it good enough and shipping. It's easier to shoot off an email pretending like I truly engaged someone than it is to pick up the phone or show up at … [Read more...]
The Franchise: A Tiger’s tale on finding joy in adversity
Brad and I got in the car. I offer Brad a blanket. My car doesn't have heat. The temperature was in the 20s. I started the car. And started driving. Brad thanked me for giving him a ride. It was a bit cold to ride his bicycle that day. I don't know a more joyful man than Brad. He lives an inspirational life. Brad's the kind of man who lives life with boundless enthusiasm. I dance like a stiff awkward white guy. It's uncomfortable to watch. I've seen Brad dance. He's "all … [Read more...]
You gotta have faith…
What is that thing ... the idea, the vision, the cause you believe in that you're not acting on? What might happen if you lived as if you were willing to die to make that thing real? Might you find new hope, new promises, new life? Which is worth more - creating the idea, the vision, the cause you believe in or having the house, the car, the handbag, the shoes, the popularity? Faith has come to mean believing. If I accept something to be true, I can claim to have faith in it. … [Read more...]