The more often I produce my work to the world, the more confident I feel. The more confident I feel, the easier it gets to take the risk. I trust that all will be well. The first time I wrote a blog post, it took 3 hours, revision after revision, proof after proof. After I did it 5-10 times, I could write something and ship it in 15 minutes. Humans fear the unknown. We face the unknown anytime we reveal ourselves or our creations to the world. Our insecurities float to the surface. … [Read more...]
Are you busy or are you productive?
I remember the first time I had to send an email out to a 1000 person audience. I wrote the email. Then I proofed the email. Then I tweaked the email. Then I proofed it. Then I proofed it again. Finally, I hit 'Send'. Off it went. I spent 45 minutes making sure the email was just right after it was already written. It wasn't. I realized this after it was sent. I was busy when I was writing, reading, re-writing and re-reading the email. I produced the moment I sent the … [Read more...]
Want better? Do better!
This afternoon my wife and I got home after a busy day away. We've been busy for the last several days. I noticed that our dogs were becoming more needy. They wanted more attention. When we got home this afternoon our dogs were out of their minds. They were all over us. They were panting ... Nudging against us. And being generally annoying. After a few minutes, we realized we haven't paid much attention to the dogs this week. We haven't taken them on walks. When we've been home we … [Read more...]
1 Simple way to stop using excuses and start delivering
Yes or No. Black or White. One or Zero. I will do it. I will not do it. The job is done or it's not done ... complete or incomplete. I had a habit of using conditions and qualifiers in my speech (and I still fight this habit). I can weave a winding sentence that could confuse an insurance underwriter. The long sentence helped me avoid committing. This habit was killing me. It undercut my effectiveness in delivering consistently. Delivery is the fulfillment of a … [Read more...]
Are you with me or against me?
Do you believe in Santa, family values, gun control, Jesus, graduated tax rates, Allah, increased border patrol, Yahweh, the tooth fairy, or the effectiveness of free markets? If you believe in something, good for you! I'm finding the I derive way more joy from choosing to believe IN something instead of AGAINST something. I have much more of a sense of power when I fight for something instead of against something. When I believe IN something and stand up for it I can create or contribute … [Read more...]
Where do you want to go today?
Do you feel lost? What's your destination? If we decide where we want to go, we are more likely to go there. If we choose nowhere for our destination, we're likely go there, too. Do you want to go somewhere in life? Pick a place. Go. Take the risk, one step at a time. Don't worry about being wrong or right. You can change your mind … Related articles Stop Dreaming and Start Doing ( … [Read more...]
What’s your enemy?
Who's ever found themselves working on something only to get to where you say, "Eh, that's good enough!"? When is good enough, good enough? If good is the enemy of great, when is good enough great? When does the pursuit of great become perfectionism that keeps us from delivering? When does Pareto and his insight about peas bring us to our knees as we pursue the good enough of 80% to the great of 90-100% Good may be the enemy of great. But great is the enemy of possible. I read … [Read more...]