Familiarity breeds contempt. Spend more time with someone and you'll get jaded. You'll take things for granted, and get angry over smaller things. Hot buttons will emerge. They'll be easier to punch as time goes on. This is probably why marriage can be so hard. It's easier to forgive the waitress who screwed up your food order than it is the wife who forgot to put the cap back on the toothpaste ... again. Grace doesn't dwell well in a world of presumed outcomes. We force grace out of … [Read more...]
How nourishing is your life?
Ellie, the younger twin, was fighting the bottle. She'd take the nipple. Chew and suck. Then spit out milk and pout. It was frustrating. Jen took her. Ten minutes later the bottle was emptied. I asked Jen what she did to make Ellie eat. She told me. I barely believed her. She did it again the next time. It worked. And it still does. Jen encouraged Ellie. She'd tell her in a sweet voice how good she was being and what a good little eater she was. Ellie ate. No … [Read more...]
What road are you on?
"You have to see they have good will.", Jen said to me. I said, "Hitler had good will!" In most circumstances, people are acting with good intentions. I have become more controlling since our babies arrived. It's annoying. Jen demonstrates great restraint and patience with me as I tell her how to do something. I'm being more controlling because my intention is to produce the best possible outcome. Some parents beat their kids with good intentions, "I'm only doing this so you'll … [Read more...]
When do you strike?
The thought struck me. It came out of nowhere. "This guy had a huge impact on my life, I should write him a note." I had a decision to make at that point ... Click "Compose New" and shoot the thought and sentiment his way. Find some stationary and write it out then and there. Or put it on a to do list. I clicked "Compose New" I wrote a two line email. I told him that I appreciated his encouragement, support and inspiration. He really played a key role in a wide range of my life. … [Read more...]
Are you choking on an elephant?
I want to change the world. That's a problem. "Change the world" is one big elephant. It doesn't give many good places to start. In fact, it's haltingly paralyzing. As a goal it is insurmountably overwhelming. Have you ever looked up to a role model and said to yourself, "I want to be like him (or her)."? Maybe you want to be the next Seth Godin, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Sarah Palin, etc. There's just one problem. You can't. They already … [Read more...]
What kind of dog are you?
I was cooking yesterday. The dogs were bouncing around me in the kitchen. They're just looking to snag the tiniest scrap that falls to them. It was frustrating. We've had so many visitors and the twins shift so much attention away from them. They are behaving disobediently. They're more selfish. They're just looking for a little something for themselves. Sadly for them, the more they try the less they get. I got a glimpse into how God might feel about us. I'm talking the … [Read more...]
I got away with murder.
I got away with murder when I was younger. I didn't have set chores to get an allowance. I didn't have to study to do well in school. I didn't do my homework on time. And often times didn't do it all. I turned assignments in late. I cut school. I was late regularly. I still graduated in the top 10 percent of my class. I wish I could say I wrote my own rules. That would be a lie. It would imply structure that didn't exist. I just didn't follow the existing rules. I'm 40 now. … [Read more...]
What do you NOT have to do?
I was buzzing around the house completing one task after another. My goal? Order. The arrival of the twins was met by an intense need for order. Some could call it OCD. I was working in double time. And I am doing things I don't want to do. I like order. I don't like doing the things that create it. So these are things I have to do. I need the order to have my mind clear to produce. I'd rather watch the Colbert Report. Steve Colbert will take me further from what I need. I get … [Read more...]
What do you HAVE to do?
A friend of mine had a rough week recently. Here was the week in no particular order: Lost parent Made arrangements for funeral Drove 4+ hours to the funeral Went through/packed the parent's things Drove 4+ hours back Co-conducted a 4 day intensive seminar Visited with clients Decorated/furnished new business offices Shut down/moved her old business office That's a hell of week. I'm sure there are details I missed. I had dinner and beer with them last night. At some … [Read more...]