Familiarity breeds contempt. Spend more time with someone and you’ll get jaded. You’ll take things for granted, and get angry over smaller things. Hot buttons will emerge. They’ll be easier to punch as time goes on. This is probably why marriage can be so hard. It’s easier to forgive the waitress who screwed up your […]
[Continue reading…]Reach out and touch someone
More people are watching porn than ever before. A recent poll showed that 79% of people are consuming porn nowadays. It was in the 30% range in 1983. The studies also show people are having less sex. They are masturbating more. We are a lazy species. We will do the thing that costs us […]
[Continue reading…]Where do you pledge your allegiance?
I just finished the history of the Pledge of Allegiance. There were some interesting facts. Some I knew. Others were new (to me). I learned a few things. Here’s what learned: the pledge was written by socialist it was written over a century after the Constitution was ratified, in 1892 it was written as a […]
[Continue reading…]How nourishing is your life?
Ellie, the younger twin, was fighting the bottle. She’d take the nipple. Chew and suck. Then spit out milk and pout. It was frustrating. Jen took her. Ten minutes later the bottle was emptied. I asked Jen what she did to make Ellie eat. She told me. I barely believed her. She did it again […]
[Continue reading…]How are you preparing for the parade?
We looked at each other. The babies crying in the background. “Should we respond?” We created a routine to help the babies learn to sleep. Sometimes that meant letting them cry for a few minutes. It was hard. Very hard. On Christmas Eve, we woke up. The babies slept through the night. 9 weeks old […]
[Continue reading…]What road are you on?
“You have to see they have good will.”, Jen said to me. I said, “Hitler had good will!” In most circumstances, people are acting with good intentions. I have become more controlling since our babies arrived. It’s annoying. Jen demonstrates great restraint and patience with me as I tell her how to do something. […]
[Continue reading…]All I want for Christmas is…
Jen’s whispered, “C’mon. It’s time to feed the babies.” All I want for Christmas is for my babies to sleep through the night. I’ve told so many people that my Christmas present would be the twins sleeping through the night. These were typical responses: “Keep dreaming….” “My babies are a year old. They still don’t […]
[Continue reading…]‘Twas the Day Before Christmas
This one is different. Times have changed, so have we. There’s no tree. No garland. No decoration. No lights. Instead we have two babies who have overflowed our lives. We have joy. We have frustration. We have laughter. We have tears. Times we want to run away to Canada. And times we’re drawn nearer. We’ve […]
[Continue reading…]When do you strike?
The thought struck me. It came out of nowhere. “This guy had a huge impact on my life, I should write him a note.” I had a decision to make at that point … Click “Compose New” and shoot the thought and sentiment his way. Find some stationary and write it out then and there. Or […]
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